Troubleshooting guidelines

Posted on 2023-09-11 Updated on 2024-03-01

If you're experiencing any problems on Tveni, it's possible that this is being caused by a temporary issue on the site.

Please try the following steps in attempt to resolve the problem:

1. Check that you're using the latest version of the browser and update it if necessary

2. Clear cookies and cache on your browser

3. Quit and re-open the browser

4. Sign out and sign back into your account

If none of the above measures helped, please also try:

  • Check the same page in a different browser in order to check if issue is down to a particular browser, and let us know if issue occurs in both browsers.
  • Disable any temporary plug-ins, add-ons or extensions in your browser and quit and re-open the browser afterwards.
  • Add into your antivirus program or browser's list of safe websites and ensure your antivirus hasn't identified any issues with your operating system.

If you aren't sure how to do any of the above, please check specific instructions in the Help section of your browser.

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